Section: New Results

Quantitative and computational morphology

Participant : Benoît Sagot.

In 2017 we have resumed our work on empirical and computational morphology, although at a slower pace than during the previous years. Apart from the preparation of an issue of the Morphology journal on computational morphology as a guest editor, together with Olivier Bonami (LLF) [10], our work in this regard was threefold:

  • Contribution to the development of a morphological lexicon, a small-scale POS-annotated corpus and a POS tagger (based on MElt) for Romansh Tuatschin, a variety of the Sursilvan dialect of Romansh (a Romance language spoken in Switzerland); this work is a collaboration with Géraldine Walther and Claudia Cathomas (University of Zurich) [30];

  • Formal and quantitative work on the verbal morphological system of Khaling, a Kiranti (Sino-Tibetan) language from Nepal, following earlier work of ours [80], [81]; this is a collaboration with Géraldine Walther (University of Zurich) and Guillaume Jacques (CRLAO, CNRS);

  • Preliminary work on the diachronic modelling of lexical information at the morphological and phonetic levels.